18 квітня 2023 р. в НФаУ відбувся науково-практичний міжкафедральний семінар «УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ МЕТОДІВ УПРАВЛІННЯ У ЗАКЛАДАХ ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ’Я В СУЧАСНИХ УМОВАХ»

On April 18, 2023, the scientific and practical interdepartmental seminar “IMPROVEMENT OF MANAGEMENT METHODS IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS IN MODERN CONDITIONS” was held at the National University of Pharmacy.

On April 18, 2023, the scientific and practical interdepartmental seminar “IMPROVEMENT OF MANAGEMENT METHODS IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS IN MODERN CONDITIONS” was held at the National University of Pharmacy. The organizers of the event were the departments of pharmaceutical management and Read more

03.03.20 At the Department of PhMM there was a scientific seminar, which was conducted by assoc. prof. Bondarieva I.V. on the topic “Determination of degree of efficiency of functioning of pharmacies under the influence of factors of external macroenvironment”.

03.03.20 At the Department of PhMM there was a scientific seminar, which was conducted by assoc. prof. Bondarieva I.V. on the topic “Determination of degree of efficiency of functioning of pharmacies under the influence of factors of external macroenvironment”.

28.02.20 At the Department of PhMM there was a scientific seminar, which was conducted by prof. Malyi V.V. on the topic “Scientific and methodological substantiation of the choice of risk management strategies in marketing communication activity of pharmaceutical enterprises”.

28.02.20 At the Department of PhMM there was a scientific seminar, which was conducted by prof. Malyi V.V. on the topic “Scientific and methodological substantiation of the choice of risk management strategies in marketing communication activity of pharmaceutical enterprises”.