History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing


In 1992, at the initiative of the rector, academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Professor V.P. Chernuh on the basis of the Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy, was created the first in Ukraine and post-Soviet space department of management and marketing in pharmacy. It became a logical response to the development of market relations, the emergence of new organizational and legal forms of management, the formation of the pharmaceutical market, entrepreneurship, competition. The new economy has introduced new requirements for the content and quality of pharmacy specialists training, which has determined the main directions of the curriculum and research programs of the newborn department.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

The first staff of the PhMM department (1993). From bottom to right bottom row: assoc.prof. Chernobrova N.V.; assoc. prof. M.M. Slobodyanyuk, prof. N.I. Bryleva, prof. Z.M. Mnushko, assoc. prof. Omelchenko N.M., senior professor Sofronova N.I., top row: s. lab. Yevtushenko O.M., assoc. prof. Dikhtyaryova N.M., senior lab. Polishchikova V.I., assoc. prof. V.G. Andreev, senior lab. Verbitskaya O.S., assoc. prof. N.O. Puzak, assoc.prof. Khimenko S.V., s. lab. Skrilova N.M., Musienko N.M., assoc. prof. Shevchenko I.O., assoc. prof. Chmikhalo N.V.



The sharp turn of the historical development of society necessitated the creation of a new generation of executives, deputy heads of pharmacies, pharmacy units, firms, enterprises that would have knowledge, skills and management, marketing and economics skills.

The new discipline of Management and Marketing in Pharmacy has become the true brainchild of the entire staff of the newly created department. At the time of the founding of the department in 1992, the teaching staff consisted of 14 people and 6 teaching staff (laboratory assistants and senior laboratory assistants). The first staff of the department consisted of: the head of the department, professor Z.M. Mnushko, prof. NI Brylova; assoc. prof. M.M. Slobodyanyuk, S.V, Khimenko, N.V. Chernobrova, N.M. Omelchenko, V.G. Andreev, N.M. Dikhtyaryova, N.M. Musienko; senior teachers I.O. Shevchenko, N.I Sofronova, O.P. Gusarova; assistants N.V. Chmikhalo, N.O. Puzak, who at the initial stage of the department’s activity made a significant contribution to the formation of educational and methodological and logistical support of the newly created department.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

Educational conversation during the Tea Party with students (from left to right: assoc. prof. Dikhtyaryova N.M., prof. Mnushko Z.M., assoc. prof. Omelchenko N.M., assoc. prof. Chmykhalo N.V., prof. Bryleva N.I.) (1994)






History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

Visit of the head of MMPh department prof. Mnushko Z.M. to the Medical University of Greece (1997)







History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and MarketingProf. Slobodianyuk M.M. with experience exchange in the Belgian pharmaceutical industry (1997)






A significant milestone in the development of the department was obtaining in 1997 UkrPhA licenses for training specialists in the specialties “Marketing”, “Enterprise Economy” and “Organization Management”, which significantly changed the content and scope of work. The department of management and marketing in pharmacy became a graduation in the specialty “Marketing”. These changes in the volume and content of the teaching work of the department, the expansion of the range of disciplines taught, led to changes in staffing. Some teachers of the Department of Management and Marketing in Pharmacy in different periods received the second higher economic education in the specialties “Marketing”, “EEA Management”, “International Management”, “Enterprise Economics” and in the super-system in the specialty “Intellectual Property”. These are professors Z.M. Mnushko (1995), V.V. Malyi (2013), M.M. Slobodianyuk (2001), O.M. Yevtushenko (1995), associate professors N.M. Dikhtyaryova (1998), L. P. Dorokhova (1998), N. O. Puzak (2001), A. B. Olkhovska (2014), I. V. Timanyuk (2012).

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

Staff of the department PhMM (2009) from left to right bottom row: assoc. prof. Pestun I.V., assoc. prof. Dikhtyaryova N.M., prof. Z.M. Mnushko, as. N.O. Puzak, prof. Slobodianyuk M.M., assoc. prof. Sofiulina Z.R., second row: assoc. prof. Sofronova I.V., assoc. prof. Okkert I.L., assoc. prof. Olkhovska A.B., assoc. prof. Dorokhova L.P., assoc. prof. V.G. Andreev, assoc. prof. Chmikhalo N.V., sen.t. Sofronova N.I., ass. Shevchenko O.V., assoc. Shevchenko I.O., top row: senior lab. Shushunina L.I., st. lab. Vorobiova M.E., ass. Vasyuta O.P., ass. Sotnikova N.V., ass.Timanyuk I.V.





History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and MarketingInternship of teachers of the department at Fitolek LLC (from left to right: assoc. prof. Timanuk I.V., assoc. prof. Olkhovska A.B., assoc. prof. Sofronova I.V., assoc. prof. Dorokhova L.P., assoc. prof. Alekperova N.V.) (2011).







History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing



Greetings to the members of the SSC after defending master’s theses with graduates of the specialty “Marketing” (2012).




Department staff (2013) (from left to right): bottom row – assoc. Safiulina Z.R., prof. O.P. Piven, prof. Malyi V.V., prof. Slobodianyuk M.M., assoc. prof. Yevtushenko O.M.; top row: assoc. prof. Kobets M.M., assoc. Olkhovska A.B., assoc. Dorokhova L.P., assoc. prof. Rogulya O.J., assoc.prof. Sofronova I.V., asoc. prof. Bondarieva I.V., assoc. prof. Zhadko S.V., assoc. prof.Timanyuk I.V., assoc. prof. Smachilo V.V., assoc. Kobets Yu.M., st. lab. Shushunina L.I.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing







In 2016, the department underwent another re-accreditation of the specialty “Marketing” and a bachelor’s degree, which again confirmed the high level of teaching of disciplines. In 2018, the Master’s degree program in Marketing was successfully accredited.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

At the methodical meeting (from left to right): assoc. prof. Rogulya O.Ju., assoc. prof. Olkhovskaya A.B., prof. Slobodianyuk M.M., prof. Malyi V.V., assoc. prof. Dorokhova L.P., assoc. prof. Sofronova I.V., prof. Piven O.P. (2014)





History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

Department staff (2016) (from left to right) bottom row: assoc. prof. Safiulina Z.R., prof. Pestun I.V., prof. O.P. Piven, prof. Malyi V.V., assoc. prof. Olkhovskaya A.B., prof. Yevtushenko O.M., senior lab. Shushunina L.I., top row – assoc. prof. Kobets M.M., senior lab. Vorobyova M.E., assoc. prof. Sofronova I.V., assoc. prof. Bondarieva I.V., assoc. prof. O. Rogulya, prof. Slobodianyuk M.M., assoc. prof. Timanyuk I.V., assoc. prof. Dorokhova L.P., Shuvanova O.V., assoc. prof. Zhadko S.V., senior lab. Soklakova N.D., asp. Tkachenko I.V.





Awarding of the winners of the contest “The best educational and methodical development of the year”. FMM has won two nominations in the economic and managerial direction of training: the nomination “BEST HELP” and the nomination “BEST ELECTRONIC EDUCATION” (2017).

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing










The department does not cease to keep up with the times and actively support all the latest steps. The modern directions of the PhMM department development are: to adhere to the strategic model of development of NUPh, to continue training of doctors and candidates of sciences, to participate in the development of educational and professional standards of the new generation, to maintain an adequate level of educational and methodological support of the disciplines of the department, to develop distance learning, to activate distance learning -scientific grants, increase the number of publications in English-language journals, develop and support international activities by establishing partnership in the SF RI education.

During the years of its existence the department has gone a difficult way from becoming to stability, confidence in development: it has formed and strengthened a strong material and technical base, has largely revealed its scientific potential, has reached a high level in all directions of work under the influence of rapid development of an educational institution and today is significant structure within the National University of Pharmacy.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

Field meeting of the Support Department of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management of the National University of Pharmacy on the basis of Odessa National Medical University (2018)

The department does not stand aside from the development of modern educational technologies. Thus, in 2018 the development of a distance course “Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management” (authors Assoc. Prof. Sofronova I.V., Prof. Malyi V.V.) for applicants for higher education of the second (master’s) level of higher education in “Pharmacy” was completed. also passed the certification distance course “Ethics and Deontology in Pharmacy” (authors Assoc. Prof. Kobets M.M., Prof. Malyi V.V.) for applicants for higher education of the second (master’s) level of specialty 226 “Pharmacy”.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

The staff of the department with students majoring in “Marketing” during the celebration of Marketing Day (2018). The PhMM department launched a flash mob “Let’s paint winter monochrome with bright colors!”, supported by other departments of the university.

In recent years, employees of the department underwent internships abroad: in 2018, Assoc.prof. Dorokhova L.P. passed the international internship “Information Technologies of Modeling in the Economy”, Assoc.prof. Timanyuk I.V. passed an international internship in the areas: “Innovative educational technologies: the experience of the European Union and its implementation in Eastern Europe”, and “EU focus on Eastern European countries. New opportunities for Ukraine pharmacy », and in 2019 – Assoc. Olkhovska AB passed an international internship “Modern university in the system of European education: teaching methods, scientific-pedagogical development, distance education and internationalization of the educational process” on the basis of “Higher School of Social and Economic in Przeworsk” (Poland), in addition, for the first time passed an internship abroad for graduates of the specialty “Marketing” at the enterprise of CJSC “Spetsagra” in Lithuania.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing
Participation of Assoc. Dorokhova L.P. at the International Congress of Business and Marketing “ICBM’18” (Istanbul, Turkey)
History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing
During an internship at Specagra, Panevezys, Lithuania (2019)

In 2018, Assoc. prof. Olkhovska A.B. received a diploma of the first degree in the nomination “Best Candidate of Sciences of NUPh” according to the rating of scientific and pedagogical staff of the National University of Pharmacy, and the achievements of the head and staff of the department were awarded diplomas of Kharkiv Regional Council: prof. Malyi V.V., prof. Slobodyanyuk M.M., docent Timanyuk I.V. received gratitude on the occasion of a professional holiday; Assoc. prof. Olkhovska A.B. gratitude for significant achievements in the implementation of state policy in the field of national education.
According to the results of the rating evaluation of the departments and the work of scientific and pedagogical staff of NUPh in 2019, the Department of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management entered the Top 10 “Best Departments of NUPh” and took 7th place.
Prof. Malyi V.V. in 2019 was awarded the Gratitude of the Prime Minister of Ukraine for significant personal achievements in professional activities, ensuring the implementation of state policy in the fields of health, education and science, active participation in the training of specialists, scientific, scientific -pedagogical staff, impeccable work,
During 2019, the department defended one doctoral dissertation (Assoc. Prof. Olkhovska A.B., scientific consultant Prof. Malyi V.V.) and two candidate dissertations (Musa Marvek Mehdat – supervisor Prof. Malyi V.V. and Tkachenko I.V.- research supervisor Prof. Piven O.P.)History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and MarketingAfter defending Olkhovskaya AB’s doctoral dissertation (2019)

According to paragraph 5 order of NUPh from 25.06.2020 №255 “On reorganization of departments”  there was a merger of the departments of pharmaceutical marketing and management and pharmacoeconomics and the formation of the department of pharmaceutical management and marketing. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Malyi Volodymyr Valentynovych has been appointed the head of the newly formed department.

15 April 2021 a cooperation agreement was signed with  the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. Within the framework of the agreement on bilateral cooperation, the department hosted a master class lecture by Abror Rakhimov, a lecturer at the Department of Pharmaceutical Organization of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, to 5th year CIS students in the field of Pharmacy: “The concept of marketing environment and research methods. Measuring the level of competition with the help of market indices.

In 2021, Prof. Malyi V.V.  was awarded the honorary title of Ukraine “Honored Worker of Pharmacy of Ukraine” and was awarded the Award of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine III degree.
In February 2022, the department, as well as the entire country, faced new challenges related to the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. The vast majority of scientific and pedagogical workers continue to perform their duties, covering all areas of activity — starting with educational and methodological and scientific and ending with educational work.
In 2022-2023 the department intensified the work of involving practical pharmacy specialists to conduct practical seminars, master classes and presentations, which contributes to a more meaningful understanding of the importance of pharmaceutical education by students of higher education and the professional development of a future European-level specialist. During the academic year, 16 such events were organized with the participation of the top managers of the companies: “Arterium” Corporation, “Servier in Ukraine”, “Podorozhnyk” Pharmacy chain and “Ametrin PC” LLC.
History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing
On April 18, 2023, the interdepartmental scientific and practical seminar “Improving management methods in health care institutions in modern conditions” was held in close cooperation with the Department of Social Pharmacy.

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing
The teaching staff of the PhMM department is constantly engaged in professional improvement, which has become especially relevant in modern conditions, as a result of which educational activities have moved online. During the year, staff improved their qualifications by participating in conferences, webinars, forums, seminars, trainings, educational projects and round tables, professional development cycles, etc. One of the most interesting was the scientific internship of Prof. Pestun I.V. under the VII International Program “Nobel Laureates: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements for the Formation of a Successful Personality and Transformation of the Surrounding World” in Dubai, Oslo, Stockholm, Rome, Burgas, New York, Jerusalem and Beijing.

In January 2023, the head of the department, Professor Malyi Volodymyr Valentynovych, received thanks from the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education for his significant contribution to the development of the quality system of higher education in Ukraine.

The beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year for the department was marked by awarding employees with certificates of honor and other high awards. Thus, the head of the PhMM department, Professor Malyi Volodymyr Valentinovych, was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Pharmacy of Ukraine”.
The certificate of honor of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration was awarded to Gerasimova Olga Oleksandrivna, deputy director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy and associate professor of the PhMM department, Rogula Olga Yuriivna, associate professor of the PhMM department, and Iryna Vasylivna Bondarieva, associate professor of the PhMM department. Assistant Olena Volodymyrivna Shuvanova was awarded an honorary diploma of the Kharkiv City Council.
For several years in a row, the PhMM department has made a significant contribution to the direction of cooperation between the NUPh and employers in the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks to the effective cooperation of O. Yu. Rogulya with the Department of Practice and Employment of the NUPh, representatives of practical pharmacy are actively involved in teaching the educational components of the department. The most common forms of employer participation in the system of training pharmacists are practical classes (34.1%) and practical classes with training elements (29.3%), which provide an opportunity for applicants to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, solving real pharmaceutical tasks.
During the formation of the program of interaction with employers, the department takes into account the wishes of applicants regarding the activity of pharmaceutical companies they are interested in. The department most actively cooperated with such pharmacy chains as “Apteka 9-1-1”, “Apteka ANC”, “Podorozhnyk”, “Medicines of Poltava region”; wholesale company “Ametrin FC”; production enterprises — FF “Darnytsia”, “Ametrin”, “Servye”. The active involvement of employers in the educational process is confirmed by the data on the number of educational and career-building events in recent years: in 2021-2022 33 events were held, in 2022-2023 — 42, in 2023–2024 AD — 52.

The Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing prepares students of higher education in 8 educational professional programs: “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Pharmacy”, “Technology of pharmaceutical preparations”, “Management”, “Marketing”, “Laboratory diagnostics”, “Physical therapy” , “Management of health care and pharmaceutical business” and one scientific – “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” educational level – doctor of philosophy. In three professional programs “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Pharmacy” and “Marketing”, the department is the graduation department. Head of the department, prof. V. V. Malyi is the guarantor of the “Marketing” educational program, 1st bachelor’s level.
On January 31, 2024, the head of the PhMM department, Professor Maly Volodymyr Valentynovych, received a letter of thanks for his significant contribution and active participation in the accreditation of the educational programs of the National Institute of Pharmacy “Pharmacy” and “Technology of pharmaceutical preparations”.
It should be noted that the FMM department participated in 6 accreditations.

During the last two academic years, under the leadership of the head of the department fundamentally new selective educational components were introduced into the educational process by the V. V. Malyi, which greatly interested students and gave them the opportunity to acquire new skills and abilities. One of them is “Digital Marketing Tools”, the impetus for the creation of which was the desire of students to master modern knowledge of activities in the digital environment. The second educational component – “Team building” is the result of interaction with employers, who during the discussion of the educational program drew attention to the importance of developing teamwork skills in future pharmacists.
“Pharmaceutical management and marketing” refers to the professionally oriented educational components included in the KROK-2 Integrated Test Exam. For many years, the department has been preparing students for the exam and consistently ranks among the top three according to the results.

On October 23, 2023, a scientific and practical seminar was held on the topic: “Legal, ethical and marketing aspects of the promotion of medicinal products: realities and challenges”, dedicated to the day of advertising workers in Ukraine. Its organizers were the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Doctor of Pharm. n., prof. Inna Vladimirova, head of the department of pharmaceutical management and marketing, prof. Volodymyr Maly and the head of the department of social pharmacy, Assoc. Alina Volkova.
During the meeting, the following issues were discussed: legislative requirements for advertising medicines, medical equipment, methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; the pharmacist’s role in the regulation of drug advertising; the role of marketing strategies in the promotion of trademarks in the pharmaceutical market; features of Digital promotion of pharmaceutical products in general and marketing communications on the example of the pharmaceutical company Arterium, as well as features of teaching at the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing selective educational component “Digital Marketing Tools”.

On March 21, 2024, the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing of the NUPh held the 11th International Scientific and Practical Remote Conference “Management and Marketing as part of Modern Economy, Science, Education, Practice”.
Among the participants of the conference were representatives of higher education institutions from different countries of the world: Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan), Tbilisi State Medical University (Tbilisi, Georgia), Eurasia International University (Yerevan, Armenia), Sofia Medical University ( Sofia, Bulgaria), University of Missouri, (Columbia, USA), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan), Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan).

The scientific-practical conference was also attended by domestic scientists and practitioners from institutions of higher education in the medical and pharmaceutical fields: the NUPh (Kharkiv), the Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M. I. Pirogov, the National Medical University named after O. O. Bogomolets (Kyiv), National University of Health Care of Ukraine named after P. L. Shupyk (Kyiv), Lviv National Medical University named after Danyly Halytskyi, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, and others.
The teachers of the department take an active part in career guidance activities of the university, join in all events organized by the admissions committee, namely, conduct classes with schoolchildren at “Metroshkol”, give lectures within the framework of the “PHARM CAMP NFaU” event, create creative video content for social networks, etc.

On March 25, 2024, the associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, Hanna Babicheva, took part in the project of the Metro School “The Magical World of Pharmacy” – spring 2024.

Participation of teachers of the department in the career orientation camp Pharm Camp 2024 winter marathon, organized by the admissions committee of the National Academy of Sciences.
Associate Professor of the PhMM Department, Bondarieva I.V., gave an exciting training lecture entitled “The team is us! Or creative team building for schoolchildren!”

The professor of the PhMM department, Pestun I.V., held a lecture-quiz entitled “Know management and marketing – be one step ahead!”

Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing Hanna Babicheva took part in the competition with an innovative proposal – educational and methodological developments in “Brand Management in Pharmacy”. She won the competition and received a 1st degree diploma in the nomination “Best Innovative Proposal”

History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing History of the department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

At the end of 2023, the creative team of the PhMM department, on the instructions of the rector of the NUPh A. A. Kotvitska, conducted marketing research on the competitiveness of the NUPh, namely its educational program “Pharmacy”.
Based on the results of the research, a report was presented to the management of the university, which analyzed the competitive environment, the website of the NUPh and  in comparison with the websites of other higher education institutions, the activity of communications in social networks, and provided conclusions and suggestions regarding the marketing strategy of the university.

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