Information about the department

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The department was formed by merging the department of pharmaceutical marketing and management with the department of pharmacoeconomics in accordance with clause 5 of the Order of the National University of Pharmacy dated 06/25/2020 No. 255 “On Reorganization of Departments”. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Malyi Volodymyr Valentynovich was appointed the head of the newly created Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing.


The staff of the department of pharmaceutical management and marketing is aimed at fruitful work and is ready for new achievements and scientific achievements, which is facilitated by constant professional improvement, which has become especially relevant in the conditions of martial law, as a result of which the educational process has moved online.
The department of pharmaceutical management and marketing is a graduate in the specialties 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy and 075 Marketing. For more than 30 years of activity, the department has prepared and published 10 textbooks, more than 50 teaching aids, more than 100 methodical recommendations, which contribute to the improvement of the quality of training of those seeking higher education. 2 hypertext electronic textbooks have been developed.
The results of scientific research of the department have been published in more than 3,000 scientific works, including 5 monographs, more than 500 articles in foreign professional journals. According to the scientific research carried out at the department, 4 doctoral theses and 33 candidate theses were defended. More than 60 scientific and methodological recommendations have been developed and proposed for practical use. 13 methods were registered as innovations and more than 25 certificates of copyright registration for the work were obtained.
Today, the department employs 4 doctors of science and 11 candidates of pharmaceutical sciences.

Изображение 006

Scientific and practical developments on the development of the pharmaceutical market based on the theory of management and marketing are carried out in the following areas:
● theoretical and scientific and applied principles of marketing management in the system of medical provision of the population;
● improvement of strategic and adaptive management of pharmaceutical enterprises;
● scientific and methodological substantiation of the stakeholder model of relations in pharmacy;
● the methodology of forming the potential of the pharmaceutical market on the example of individual pharmacotherapeutic groups;
● optimization of medical care for certain contingents of patients on the basis of marketing and pharmacoeconomic studies;
● scientific and methodical substantiation of the marketing availability of medicinal products;
● scientific and methodological substantiation of the socially oriented assortment policy of manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprises;
● optimization of production and commercial activity of pharmaceutical enterprises on the basis of marketing and logistics management;
● research of the complex of marketing communications in pharmacy, improvement of methods of promotion of medicinal products by pharmaceutical enterprises;
● development of digital communications at pharmaceutical enterprises;
● studying and modeling the behavior of drug users;
● substantiation of methodical approaches to medical provision of the population in the conditions of implementation of family medicine;
● scientific and practical development of evaluation of qualitative and quantitative indicators of drug brands;
● improvement of the marketing components of the pharmaceutical enterprise’s competitiveness;
● scientific and practical development of the influence of branding on the consumption of medicinal products;
● study of the peculiarities of the branding of medicinal products;
● assessment and management of brand loyalty to medicines;
● study of the role of emotional intelligence in the work of pharmaceutical organizations;
● improvement of approaches to stress management and features of conflict resolution at different levels of management;
● scientific and practical substantiation of the assessment of consumer loyalty to the pharmacy and medicinal products.

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