• Organization and delivering lectures on World Polio Day, World Diabetes Day, International Smoking Cessation Day, World Tuberculosis Day, World Health Day, International Hepatitis Day, Hepatitis A Day, preventive measures for administrative offenses among students of the National University of Pharmacy.
  • Preparation and carrying out of educational measures of educational, cultural and patriotic character for students of the department of pharmaceutical marketing and management.
  • Conducting educational talks with students about the success, diligence to study among students, in the groups whose curators are teachers of the department.

The main goal of educational work at the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing in 2023-2024 is became the improvement of the quality of the organization of ideological and educational work, education of highly educated specialists, bearers of the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, who possess an active civic position and a high legal culture. In order to achieve the set goal, the following tasks were set before the teaching staff: formation of students’ legal, political culture, and active citizenship; formation of students’ scientific knowledge, development of a creative approach to professional activity; enrichment of the spiritual, intellectual and creative potential of student youth, formation of internal culture, involvement in the values ​​of national and world cultures; creation of conditions for the activation of student self-government bodies in the public life of the university, development of student initiatives; creation and development of department and university traditions, formation of corporate culture of students and teachers of the department.
During the year, the teachers of the department conducted various activities related to educational work and monitored the success of students of higher education.
During the academic year, considerable attention was paid to civic and patriotic education. Lecturers of the department held talks on the Day of Remembrance of the Holodomor Victims, the Day of Vyshyvanka, the Day of Dignity and Svododa in Ukraine. A conversation was also held with the awardees for the Day of Writing and Language. Language is the basis of the people’s spiritual wealth and intellectual potential. We have a priceless gift: one of the sweetest and most beautiful languages ​​in the world. Comprehensive support of the statehood of the language, growth of its prestige, strengthening and development is an honorable mission of every citizen of Ukraine. During the conversation, interesting facts about the Ukrainian language were discussed.
Great attention was paid to moral and aesthetic education. Greetings and a discussion on the occasion of Student’s Day and Marketer’s Day were prepared for those seeking higher education.
Attention was also paid to issues related to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among students of higher education. A conversation dedicated to World Trauma Day was held. The receivers were instructed in safety techniques during the “air alarm” signal.
The lecturers of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing visited the job fair, which was held under the slogan “Unbreakable. There is work.”
A conversation dedicated to World Mental Health Day was held with winners. Mental health is a state of happiness and well-being in which a person realizes his creative abilities, can withstand the stresses of life, work productively and contribute to social life. It is important for the realization of desires, the realization of goals, and good physical well-being. Taking care of your mental health is as basic a need for every person as taking care of your physical health. During the meeting, the signs of anxiety disorders, methods of overcoming apathy and relieving tension were discussed, as well as the applicants were introduced to the psychologist’s advice on how to maintain their mental health.
In addition to the work of professors and teaching staff, the work of curators of academic groups can be highlighted. Over the course of the year, the curators constantly carried out individual educational work with the students of higher education – curatorial hours were held, during which important topics were discussed and the students’ success in education and attendance of classes were monitored, and information was provided about the events taking place at the National University of Pharmacy.
During the reporting period, teachers held conversations with students of higher education, during which they discussed the importance and usefulness of volunteering and encouraged students to become involved in volunteering and charity movements.

Directoins of career guidance work of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing for 2023-2024

During 2023-2024 the main directions of career orientation work of the PhMM department were:
• Conducting informational and campaigning work in an online format among students of grades 7-11 of  college applicants assigned to the department (19 lyceums in the city of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, 3 institutions in the Poltava region), regarding the conditions of admission and the advantages of studying at the NUPh of various educational programs, prospects for employment after graduation from the NUPh, regarding the work of the career orientation camp “PHARM CAMP NUPh” and participation in the work of the Metro School, regarding the booklet of popular scientific lectures of the NUPh. Informational materials were placed in the messengers of teachers and the administration of schols, in parent chat rooms, and sent to e-mail addresses.
• Development of new popular scientific training lectures “The team is us! Or creative team building for schoolchildren” and “Ask the face what the heart is thinking about. The practice of determining the level of emotional intelligence” (assistant professor G.S. Babicheva).
• Cooperation with the departments of the National Academy of Sciences in relation to the ordering and conducting of popular science lectures in online format for students of ZZSO. 16 lectures were organized and held for schoolchildren from the departments of biotechnology, normal and pathological physiology, biological chemistry and veterinary medicine, microbiology, virology and immunology, general chemistry, clinical laboratory diagnostics, cosmetology and aromalogy, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical pharmacology and clinical pharmacy.
• During the year, the teachers of the PhMM department will conduct popular science lectures to order in an online format for students of grades 7-11 of lyceums in Kharkiv. 2 training lectures “The way to success – how to allocate your time” were held (01.08.2024, 01.29.2024, Prof. O.V. Tkachova). A lecture-quiz was held on the topic: “Know management and marketing – be one step ahead” (April 8, 2024, docent G.S. Babicheva).
• Cooperation with the education department of Bezlyudivska settlement united territorial community (assistant professor G.S. Babicheva). Remote provision of career guidance materials (Bezlyudivskyi Lyceum, Bezlyudivskyi Law Lyceum named after I. Ya. Pidkopai, Vasyshchevsk Lyceum, Vasyshchevsk Interscholastic Resource Center, Lyzogubivskyi Lyceum, Khoroshevskyi Lyceum).
• Cooperation with lyceums of the Poltava region (associate professor Rogulya O.Yu.). Remote provision of career guidance materials, information about events and visits to institutions (KZ “Poltavska ZOSH I-III degrees No. 26, Lyceum No. 31, Lyceum No. 33, KZ “Poltavska ZOSH I-III degrees No. 34, KZ “Poltavska ZOSH I-III degrees No. 23 Kirikivsky ZSO I-III degrees, Poltava ZOSH I-III degrees No. 4).
• Participation in the event dedicated to the signing of the Memorandum on cooperation between the National University of Science and Technology and the Department of Education of the Administration of the Saltiv District of the Kharkiv City Council. A presentation and announcement of popular science lectures of the FMM department among educators was held (March 19, 2024, docent G.S. Babicheva).
• Participation in the work of the autumn career orientation camp PHARM CAMP NUPh – 2023 autumn “Create the future with NUPh!” (October 24-26, 2023). From 10/24/2023 to 10/26/2023 lecture-quiz “Know management and marketing – be one step ahead!” presented by Assoc. Babicheva G.S., assistant. Cheghrynets A.A. Assoc. Assoc. Malinina N.G., Assistant. Assoc. Zhadko S.V. and Assoc. Bondarieva I.V., Professor Tkachova O.V. held a training lecture “The way to success – how to allocate your time”. Ass. Shuvanova presented a new lecture-briefing for students on the topic “Uncovering the secrets of consumer behavior.” A total of 14 out of 17 planned lectures were delivered during the camp, and about 50 students were present.
• Participation in the work of the winter career orientation camp “PHARM CAMP NUPh”Create the future with NUPh! – 2024 winter marathon” (January 9, 2024). A lecture-quiz “Know management and marketing – be one step ahead!” was held. (Prof. Pestun I.V.), held a training lecture “The team is us! Or creative team building for schoolchildren!” (assistant professor I.V. Bondarieva).
• Participation in the work of the spring professional orientation online marathon “PHARM CAMP NUPh “Create the future with NUPh! – spring 2024” (March 28, 2024). The webinar training “Ask the face what the heart is thinking about” was held. The practice of determining the level of emotional intelligence” (assistant professor G.S. Babicheva).
• Participation in the project “Winter metro school. The magical world of pharmacy” during the 2024 winter holidays (January 9-10, 2024, January 12, 2024). 4 training lectures were held on the topic “The team is us! Or creative team building for schoolchildren”, a lecture-quiz “Know management and marketing – be one step ahead” was held! (Assoc. Babicheva G.S., Prof. Pestun I.V., Assistant Professor Cheghrynets A.A.).
• Participation in the “Magic World of Pharmacy” Metro School project – spring 2024 during the 2024 spring break (March 25, 2024). A training lecture was held on the topic “The team is us! Or creative team building for schoolchildren” (assistant professor G. S. Babicheva).



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