On December 21, 2022, the master class “Cross-cultural interaction” was held by trainer Olga Horbovtsova

21 грудня 2022 року проведено майстер-клас “Кроскультурна взаємодія” тренером Ольгою Горбовцовою

On December 21, 2022, the master class “Cross-cultural interaction” was held by trainer Olga Horbovtsova (training and staff development manager of the “Arterium” corporation) during a seminar for students of higher education majoring in Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, of the Pharmacy educational program, from the educational component “Ethics and deontology in pharmacy” (teacher — assistant of the department of pharmaceutical management and marketing Anna Cheghrynets).
During the training, students of higher education considered the concept of culture and the factors of its formation, got acquainted with the classifications of culture and the peculiarities of business culture in different countries. Students of higher education took an active part in the training and shared their experience in communicating with people of other cultures.
At the end of the master class, the trainer gave several tips on how to effectively establish professional intercultural communications.
We express our sincere thanks for such an interesting and informative master class. We hope for the further development of partnership relations between NFaU and the “Arterium” corporation.