On May 28, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, Hanna Babicheva, took part in the career orientation event o “Pharmaceutical Spring – online marathon-2024” for students of grades 9-11 of Pervomaysky Lyceum N3

28 травня 2024 року доцент кафедри фармацевтичного менеджменту та маркетингу Ганна Бабічева взяла участь у профорієнтаційному заході Національного фармацевтичного університету «Фармацевтична весна – online марафон-2024»

On May 28, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, Hanna Babicheva, took part in the career orientation event o “Pharmaceutical Spring – online marathon-2024” for students of grades 9-11 of Pervomaysky Lyceum No. 3 “Uspikh” of the Kharkiv region. Hanna Babicheva presented the training lecture “Ask the face what the heart is thinking”, during which the participants got acquainted with the concept of emotional intelligence and emotional competence, and tried to determine their own level of emotional intelligence. In an interactive game, they practiced the definition of different emotions and learned interesting facts about the role of emotional intelligence in the life of every person and in the professional field, in particular, in pharmacy.

On May 28, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, Hanna Babicheva, took part in the career orientation event o "Pharmaceutical Spring - online marathon-2024" for students of grades 9-11 of Pervomaysky Lyceum N3 On May 28, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, Hanna Babicheva, took part in the career orientation event o "Pharmaceutical Spring - online marathon-2024" for students of grades 9-11 of Pervomaysky Lyceum N3 On May 28, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, Hanna Babicheva, took part in the career orientation event o "Pharmaceutical Spring - online marathon-2024" for students of grades 9-11 of Pervomaysky Lyceum N3 On May 28, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, Hanna Babicheva, took part in the career orientation event o "Pharmaceutical Spring - online marathon-2024" for students of grades 9-11 of Pervomaysky Lyceum N3