On November 17, 2023, graduate student of the PhMM department I.M. Romanenko. and Dr. Pharm. n., prof. Tkachova O.V. presented a report on the topic: “Analysis of systemic antibiotics specified in the standard of medical care for the rational use of antimicrobial drugs, according to the WHO aware classification of antibiotics”

17 листопада 2023 р. аспірант кафедри ФММ Романенко І.М. та д. фарм. н., проф. Ткачова О.В. виступили з доповіддю на тему: “Аналіз антибіотиків системної дії, зазначених у стандарті медичної допомоги з раціонального застосування антимікробних препаратів, відповідно до класифікації антибіотиків ВООЗ aware”

On November 17, 2023, graduate student of the PhMM department I.M. Romanenko. and Dr. Pharm. n., prof. Tkachova O.V. presented a report on the topic: “Analysis of systemic antibiotics specified in the standard of medical care for the rational use of antimicrobial drugs, according to the WHO aware classification of antibiotics” at the 1st scientific and practical distance conference “Modern antimicrobial therapy: problems and ways of improvement”.

On November 17, 2023, graduate student of the PhMM department I.M. Romanenko. and Dr. Pharm. n., prof. Tkachova O.V. presented a report on the topic: "Analysis of systemic antibiotics specified in the standard of medical care for the rational use of antimicrobial drugs, according to the WHO aware classification of antibiotics" On November 17, 2023, graduate student of the PhMM department I.M. Romanenko. and Dr. Pharm. n., prof. Tkachova O.V. presented a report on the topic: "Analysis of systemic antibiotics specified in the standard of medical care for the rational use of antimicrobial drugs, according to the WHO aware classification of antibiotics"