Студентське наукове товариство


Dear students!

We invite you to the student scientific society of

Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing of NUPh!

The Student Scientific Society (SSS) has been working at the department with constant success for many years. Its work has always been and is an important part of the research activities of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing. The main purpose of the SSS is to identify and train young professionals who have an ability for creative initiative, generation and development of original ideas, research. To date, more than 1,100 students have passed the SSS school of the PhMM department.

DIRECTIONS OF RESEARCH WORKS of students reflects the scientific theme of the department “Scientific and practical developments of the pharmaceutical market based on the theory of management and marketing”, namely:

  • research and improvement of the work of managers of pharmaceutical organizations, methods and socio-psychological aspects of management;
  • study of the features of management and staff development;
  • strategic planning of the pharmaceutical enterprise;
  • organization and efficiency of entrepreneurial activity in pharmacy;
  • marketing management of pharmaceutical organizations;
  • control and efficiency of marketing activities of enterprises;
  • conducting market research of medicines of different pharmacotherapeutic groups;
  • study of drug consumption (by groups) in Ukraine and analysis of consumption dynamics;
  • clinical and economic analysis of treatment schemes;
  • study of the availability of treatment regimens;
  • research of commodity, assortment, price policy of pharmaceutical and pharmacy enterprises;
  • study of the efficiency of the sales system and channels of trade of pharmaceutical products in Ukraine;
  • advertising of medicines and evaluation of its effectiveness;
  • risk management in pharmaceutical activities;
  • management of tender purchases of medicines, etc.

Also with the participation of students are actively developing NEW PERSPECTIVE SCIENTIFIC AREAS of the department, such as:

  • formation, development and implementation of CRM-systems in the activities of pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical companies;
  • introduction of WHO indicators;
  • development and implementation of Internet technologies in the management and marketing activities of pharmaceutical companies;
  • creation and implementation of customer loyalty systems of pharmaceutical organizations;
  • research and improvement of branding strategies in the pharmaceutical industry;
  • management of intellectual property of pharmaceutical companies;
  • development and implementation of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in the activities of pharmaceutical organizations;
  • use of artificial intelligence in the management and marketing activities of pharmaceutical companies;
  • creation and management of online communications to identify and meet the needs of consumers of pharmaceutical products and many others.

 Responsible for Student Scientific Society of PhMM department:

Sofronova Irina Vadimovna,

candidate of pharm. Sciences, Associate Professor



Annually, more than 70 higher education applicants are members of the SSS of the department, performs an average of about 80 master’s theses in specialties “Pharmacy” and “Marketing”. During the existence of the department more than 1300 diploma and master’s theses have been defended, including in English.




















Defense of master’s theses, February 2020

Higher education applicants of the specialty “Marketing” take an active part in the work of SSS of the PhMM department, whose research is distinguished by the use of in-depth methods of economic analysis, quantitative methods of analysis, forecasting, economic-mathematical modeling, and programming.

Higher education applicants carry out their research works on the basis of pharmacies, pharmaceutical production companies, and non-sectoral enterprises, wholesale and intermediary companies using actual indicators and real trends.

The experience gained during the work in SSS is the basis for the completion of diploma and master’s theses, continuation of further scientific activity, admission to the scientific master’s and postgraduate studies of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing. Thus, the SSS school was attended by teachers of the department: doctors of pharmaceutical sciences – Professor I.V. Pestun, Professor O.M. Yevtushenko; candidates of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professors L.P. Dorokhova, А.B. Olkhovska, O.Yu. Rogulya, S.V. Zhadko, I.V. Timanyuk, I.V. Bondareva,  G.S. Babicheva and others.

Members of the SSS of the department take an active part in competitions, Olympiads, conferences, seminars, which are a kind of result of their scientific work in the SSS. In recent years, marketing competitions have become traditional, which are organized and conducted annually by the department. The winners of the first round of the Olympiad take part in the second round, which is held in the leading economic universities of Ukraine. The number of scientific publications on the subject of the department with the participation of students, young scientists is more than 1350.













The 1st round of the All-Ukrainian Marketing Olympiad, February 2020

 Our achievements

 In recent years, at scientific and practical conferences, more than 500 scientific researches of SSS participants of the PhMM department were awarded. Including:

Winners of the annual Student Scientific-practical Conference of NUPh
2023 Аbdullayeva A., Shomak А., Skyba A.
2022 Korovina D., Gumenna V., Kyshko Т.
2021 Kprenchuk А.І., Usman Abed El Razak
2019 р. Ayau Abderrahim, Nevinna M., Siddiki U., Mobarki Nadra
2018 р. Tirpak O., Plakhotna K., Trokhimenko A.
2017 р. E. Aliyeva, D. Pirlyk, Ruashed Rami
2016 р. A. Kovinka, D. Kravchuk, Nadir Alaa Subhi, L. Andryushkova
2015 р. K. Tkachenko, K. Prisych, V. Lyapunov
2014 O. Oliynyk, A. Ruban
2013 M. Dudka
2012 I. Shepetovska, G. Dudar
2011 A. Waldovsky, N. Vashchenko, O. Kozlova
2010 N. Shams, K. Sosonkina, M. Kurylenko
2009 M. Gavrilko, O. Vovchenko, K. Trifonova
2008 G. Kotlyarov, V. Demyokhina
2007 I. Pidlisniuk, A. Ivchenko, E. Dovbenko

Every year the members of the SSS of the department take part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student works in natural, technical and human sciences. Dudar G.M. (2012) and Kulibaba A.E. (2016) were recognized as winners of the competition. Oliynyk O.E. (2014), Lyapunov V.V. (2015) were awarded diplomas for participation in the competition. Student Tkachenko K.E. received a Diploma for winning the nomination “For depth and correctness of solving problems” in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in “Marketing” at the Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade M. Tugan-Baranovsky (2014). 5th year students (specialty “Marketing”) Rastvorova V.Yu., Bezkrovny O.G. were awarded first degree diplomas for the best report in the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of socio-economic systems: analysis of current trends and prospects for development” at the Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture (February 17, 2014). Students of the specialty “Marketing” Tymoshenko K. and Fisun V. took part in the competition of student projects “Kharkiv is the city of youth initiatives” (2016), a student of the specialty “Marketing” Vezhychanina KO took part in the regional competition of student research papers in natural, technical and human sciences (2016), Meskini D. took second place in 2018.

Students of SSS take an active part in competitions, Olympiads, conferences, seminars of different levels, which are a kind of a summary of their scientific work in the SSS. In recent years, the marketing Olympiads organized and held annually by the department have become traditional. The winners of the first round of the Olympiad take part in the second round, which is held in the leading economic universities of Ukraine. Number of scientific publications on the topic of the department with the participation of students, graduate students, young scientists more than 1000.







Awarding the winners of the section “Management and Marketing in Pharmacy” of the Student Scientific Conference

In recent years, students have participated in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in “Marketing”. Thus, the participants and recipients of awards of the second round of the Olympiad were Nikolaeva Y.E., Tkachenko K.E. (2015), Subbota Yu.M., Fisun V.O. (2016), Timoshenko K.O., Subbota Yu.M. (2017) (at Kyiv National Economic University V. Hetman), Kirik A., Buryan D. (2019) (Odessa, National Polytechnic University).










Participants of the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Marketing, a students Nikolaeva Y.E., Tkachenko K.E. and Head of the Marketing Department of Kyiv National Economic University prof. Fedorchenko A.V., Kyiv

In recent years, more than 500 scientific researches of students-participants of SSS of PhMM department have been awarded at scientific conferences. Among them are the winners of the annual student scientific and practical conference of NUPh I.V. Podlisnyuk, A.V. Ivchenko, E.O. Dovbenko (2007); G.B. Kotlyarov, V.V. Demokhin (2008); M.L. Gavrilko, O.V. Vovchenko, K.V. Trifonov (2009); N. Shams, K.O. Sosonkin, M.M. Kurilenko (2010); A.O. Valdovsky, N.O. Vashchenko, O.V. Kozlova (2011); I.V. Shepetovskaya, G.M. Dudar (2012)., M.O. Dudka (2013), O.Yu. Oliynyk, A.A. Ruban (2014), K.E. Tkachenko, K.S. Prisich, V.V. Lyapunov (2015); A.Yu. Kovinka, D.V. Kravchuk, Nadir Alaa Subhi, L. O., Andryushkova (2016), E. Aliyev, D. Pyrlyk, Ruashed Rami (2017), Tirpak O., Plahotna K., Trohimenko A. (2018), Ayau Abderrachim, Nevinna M., Siddiqui U.T., Mobarka Nadra (2019).

For several years the students – members of the SSS of department have been participating in the All-Ukrainian competition of student works in natural, technical and humanities. In 2012, Dudar G.M. and Kulibaba A.E. in 2016 were recognized as winners of the competition. Oliynyk O.E. (2014), Lyapunov V.V. (2015) were awarded diplomas for participation in the competition. Student Tkachenko K.E. received an honorary diploma for winning the nomination “For Depth and Correctness of Problem Solving” in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty “Marketing” at Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade of M. Tugan-Baranovsky (2014). 5th year students of Marketing specialty Rastvorova V.Yu., Bezkrovniy O.G. were awarded first-degree diplomas for the best presentation at the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of Socio-Economic Systems: Analysis of Current Trends and Prospects for Development” at Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (February 17, 2014). Marketing specialty students Tymoshenko K. and Fisun V. participated in the competition of student projects “Kharkiv – the city of youth initiatives” (2016), student specialty “Marketing” Vezhichanina K.O. participated in the regional competition for student scientific works in the natural sciences, engineering and humanities (2016), Meskini D. won second place in 2018.

The latest achievements

Applicant for higher education 5k. 13 gr. Novikova E.T. took part in the grant program Scholarship with the competition work “Development of consumer lending in Ukraine in terms of banks and microfinance organizations” (October 2019).

Students of the 2nd year (master’s level) of specialty 075 “Marketing” group Mm18 (1,6d)-01 Kuznetsova K. and Plakhotnik Yu. presented a competition work “Improvement of integrated marketing communications of SPECAGRA” to the International Student Competition of Marketing PR Projects and Startups “Golden Compass”. The work became a finalist of the competition. Supervisors Timanyuk I.V., Shuvanova O.V.(2019).

The research work of the graduate Golyakova I.V. on the topic “Study of the prospects of the Ukrainian market of statins” took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers 2019-2020 is the winner of the first round.

Research work of student 5 k. 13 gr. Yurchenko A.V. on the topic “Research of factors of increase of intrafirm loyalty of the pharmaceutical organization” took part in the Kharkiv Regional competition of student’s scientific works (Kharkiv, February 2020).

The research work of the student of higher education Yu. Moseychuk on the topic “Research of information flows in the process of providing pharmaceutical assistance to the population” took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works 2020-2021.

The research work of Natalia Berezhnaya-Pylypchuk, a student of higher education, took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in 2022-2023.

Graduate of higher education majoring in “Marketing” Hanna Prokopenko (scientific head of Associate Professor of Higher Education of the Department of FMM Svitlana Zhadko). won the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition for qualifying papers in the specialty 075 “Marketing” at the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education , which took place on June 23, 2023, on the basis of the Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute.


Prospects for the development of student science at the Department of PhMM:

– conducting research taking into account current trends in the activities of pharmaceutical organizations

– intensification of students’ participation in international scientific activities (articles in foreign journals, participation in scientific and practical conferences abroad).


Defense of master theses  (2022)


Online meeting of SSS (2024)


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