On December 12, 2022, the master class “Important issues of job search” was held by the training and personnel development manager of Triglav International LLC (partner of TM Arterium) Yulia Starikova

12 грудня 2022 року проведено майстер-клас «Важливі питання пошуку роботи» менеджером з навчання та розвитку персоналу ТОВ «Триглав Інтернешнл» (партнер ТМ Артеріум) Юлією Старіковою

On December 12, 2022, the master class “Important issues of job search” was held by the training and personnel development manager of Triglav International LLC (partner of TM Arterium) Yulia Starikova

On December 12, 2022, the master class "Important issues of job search" was held by the training and personnel development manager of Triglav International LLC (partner of TM Arterium) Yulia Starikova

On December 12, 2022, the master class "Important issues of job search" was held by the training and personnel development manager of Triglav International LLC (partner of TM Arterium) Yulia Starikova